Freedom to Operate Search
Is there freedom to operate for your invention?
…or do competition protection rights interfere?
A freedom-to-operate search (FTO search for short) in professional patent databases, possibly limited to active patent families and relevant regions, helps to answer these questions in the best possible way from a technical perspective.
Avoid infringements of third-party property rights
Our freedom-to-operate search (FTO search for short) is designed to identify third-party intellectual property rights that could potentially conflict with your innovative project or necessitate modified solutions. We research these patent publications and prepare them in such a way that you can directly recognise where we see potential infringement risks.
We also categorise the publications found according to
- state of the art,
- applications in the granting process and
- property rights currently in force.
Identify legal infringement risks at an early stage
Potentially obstructive competition patents known at an early stage
- avoid unnecessary development costs,
- you are given the opportunity to directly develop free workaround solutions and
- you have the opportunity to negotiate utilisation agreements before an infringement occurs.
Our experienced and qualified searchers are so-called Qualified Patent Information Professionals (QPIP™). A QPIP is the title used by certified patent searchers and analysts who demonstrate their core competencies in searching and analysing patent information as well as their knowledge of patent law.
Depending on your requirements, we offer you the result as
- Documents for your own viewing
- Filtered, prioritised collections of hits
- Reports with feature-orientated evaluations.
Our research approach is based on the SIGNO-PIZnet research standard, which is highly recognisean dessen Vorgehensweise wir uns halten.
Your contact:

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Müller
Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP™)
Patent Search & Patent Analysis
+49 (0) 5251 / 390 65 60